What does the IWD theme mean for you?
The theme for this year’s International Women’s Day (IWD 2023) is “DigitALL: Innovation for a gender equal future”.
Innovation for a gender equal future is a theme that resonates with me. As a startup Founder who pivoted a career from corporate into the tech scene, I remember the lack of support that girls had to pursue STEM careers - at least in my generation (Generation X). Fortunately, there is more support today and greater accessibility to learning for women and girls to explore a range of disciplines from engineering, data science, analytics, cybersecurity, AI, product management, user experience, etc. At least it is never too late in your career to expand your understanding and add digital skills as a capability.
From my perspective, this takes three things: firstly, for more women to be innovators and entrepreneurs. Secondly, more women to be involved in the actual design of the solutions and tools that make things work smarter such as artificial intelligence. And lastly, greater access to funding for businesses – often women-led - creating these digital solutions. Unfortunately, access to funding is inequitable for women. For example, according to PitchBook data, U.S. startups with all-women teams received 1.9% (or around US$4.5 billion) out of US$238.3 billion in venture capital allocated in 2022, a notable drop from 2.4% raised in 2021.
UN Women’s report
The UN Women’s report Innovation and technological change, and education in the digital age for achieving gender equality and the empowerment of all women and girls underscores the importance of creating tech that meets the needs of women and girls. The report goes into depth on four recommendations to:
1. Close all gaps in digital access and skills
2. Support women and girls in STEM
3. Create tech that meets the needs of women and girls
4. Address technology-facilitated gender-based violence
How will you celebrate IWD2023?
Regardless of the theme, International Women’s Day is about celebrating the achievements of women and finding ways to elevate other women.
While you may or may not have events to go to, there are some tangible things that you can do to:
Amplify the voices of other women in your network by showing your support of their views and activities on social media.
Give back your time to support other women in their career and personal growth.
Say thank you the advisors, supporters and allies who have helped you.
Continue to invest in upskilling yourself to learn new digital technologies and tools.
Rekindle connections with women in your network by setting up a time to catch up.
💖 Happy International Women’s Day!